Created by the Creative Tourism Network®, the pioneering Creative Tourism Media Awards aim to honor outstanding works in the journalism and media area in general, that focus on creative tourism… in different ways, and all around the world.

Tourism has evolved considerably in recent years, and you are the best guarantors of these changes. This is why we want to reward all those who have had the curiosity, audacity, and generosity to deal with creative tourism from all angles!

Sure, you already know what it is, but maybe you call it differently! Creative Tourism is considered a new generation of tourism that involves the tourists themselves and the locals in the creation of the tourist product (co-creation).

The concept of Creative Tourism appeared in the 2000’s, and is defined as: “Tourism which offers visitors the opportunity to develop their creative potential through active participation in courses and learning experiences, which are characteristic of the holiday destination where they are taken.” (Crispin Raymond and Greg Richards, 2000).

Have you already worked on these topics? — Then we encourage you to apply for the Creative Tourism Media Awards!
