The Creative Tourism Academy is an initiative by the Creative Tourism Network® aimed at providing education, training, and resources to individuals and organizations involved in the creative tourism sector.

The Creative Tourism Academy aims to empower creative stakeholders, tourism professionals, local communities, destinations, and organizations with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively develop and promote creative tourism. It catalyzes innovation, sustainability, and cultural exchange within the tourism industry

Here are the key aspects of the Creative Tourism Academy:

1 Educational Programs and Training

Workshops and Seminars: The Academy offers workshops and seminars on creative tourism, including best practices, marketing strategies, product development, and sustainable tourism.

Webinars and Online Courses: Online educational resources, such as webinars and courses, allow participants to learn from experts in the field at their own pace and convenience.

2 Professional Development

Certification Programs: Participants can earn certifications that recognize their expertise and knowledge in creative tourism, enhancing their professional credentials.

Skill-Building:  The Academy builds skills necessary for developing and managing creative tourism experiences, such as storytelling, cultural mediation, and entrepreneurship.

3 Consulting and Advisory Services

Tailored Guidance: The Academy provides personalized consulting services to help destinations and businesses develop and implement effective creative tourism strategies.

Strategic Planning: Assistance with strategic planning to ensure that creative tourism initiatives align with broader tourism and community goals.

4 Research and Innovation

Trends and Insights: The Academy researches trends, innovations, and challenges in the creative tourism industry, providing valuable insights to its members.

Case Studies: Sharing case studies of successful creative tourism projects to inspire and inform participants.

5 Networking and Collaboration

Community Building: Facilitates networking opportunities among participants, fostering a community of practice where members can share experiences, ideas, and resources.

Collaborative Projects: Encourages collaboration on joint projects and initiatives, leveraging the diverse expertise of its members.

6 Promotional Support

Visibility: Participants and their projects can gain visibility through the Academy’s communication channels and promotional activities.

Awards and Recognition: Opportunity to be recognized through various awards and competitions organized by the Creative Tourism Network®

7 Resource Hub

Knowledge Base: Access to a comprehensive knowledge base of resources, including articles, guides, toolkits, and case studies related to creative tourism.

Expert Panels: Engagement with panels of experts who provide insights and answer questions on specific topics within creative tourism.

Bring your ideas, and shape your project!

… Whether you need academic or lifelong learning courses

We provide tailored courses, lectures, seminars, workshops, training and capacity-building.

What makes the Creative Tourism Academy unique is its capacity to engage, train, and co-create with stakeholders with profiles as diverse as farmers, artists, craftsmen, festival programmers, 5-star-hotel managers, rural destinations mayors, or Ministers.

Adaptable to presential or virtual format, combining theory and practice, our training relies on a holistic approach through which the participants can learn, be inspired, and develop their projects, thanks to our mentoring.

Courses can be delivered in several languages. Please, feel free to ask us.

  • What do we mean by “creative tourism”?
  • Its evolution and current features.
  • Creative Tourism, a lever of sustainable development.
  • Creative tourism as a model of the circular economy.
  • Creative Tourism: solutions Post-Covid.
  • Case studies of creative tourism managed by private and public entities.
  • How can I launch my creative tourism project or include this modality in my business?
  • Designing and production of creative tourism experiences.
  • How to generate income from creative tourism?
  • Creative tourism & branding: how to create a creative tourism destination?
  • How to create a value chain for the territory/destination from a public-private partnership?
  • How to differentiate my destination through creative tourism?
  • Who are the creative tourists? How can I reach them?
  • Communication tools and marketing strategies adapted to creative tourism.
  • Co-creation of storytelling for the destination.
  • Networking / strategic partnerships.

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